Here at Fairhaven we help to empower our volunteers to make an impact doing the following volunteer activities and ministries.

Volunteer Church Ministries

Church Ministry Opportunities

There are a wide variety of volunteer opportunities with churches. Pastors here are often stretched very thin and could use help in any area. There are always needs for materials and practical things. Secondly, help with running a Vacation Bible School in the summer, teaching Sunday School, teaching a ministry workshop, preaching, evangelizing, holding evangelistic meetings, helping to provide for the needs of their communities, etc.

Volunteer Construction Projects

Construction Projects

Construction projects are a plenty in Jamaica! Schools, churches, orphanages, etc are in need of renovations/repairs or expansion of facilities.If you and your volunteer team have construction skills you are needed here! There is also a wide variety of construction projects, everything from painting to building furniture to constructing a whole building or maybe just the roof. Jamaica Link has the connections in the community to know the needs and be able to connect you with the right construction project for your volunteers.

Volunteer Homeless Opportunities

Shelter Opportunities

There are a few shelters that we work with. One is called Chance Rehabilitation Center, it is a therapeutic rehab facility providing support and service to the intellectually behaviorally challenged.  They need volunteers to come and speak with and encourage residents. The second is Open Heart Charitable Mission which is a homeless shelter. They need volunteers to serve and prepare meals, distribute clothing and bathing supplies, sort donated clothing, pray with clients and for the work, lead a worship services, counsel clients on job-seeking methods and teach basic life skills and hygiene. 

Medical Opportunities

Medical opportunities are a great need in Jamaica especially in rural areas. Medical volunteers can host clinics in various places to help residents with basic medical issues such as diabetes, blood pressure, etc.

Nursing Home Opportunities


Orphanage Opportunities

There are various types of orphanages that we have connections with for volunteers to help. Whether you want to spend a whole week at an orphanage or just an afternoon there is always work for volunteers at an orphanage. Volunteers can help care for children, clean, sing, encourage, tell stories, play games, help with practical needs, serve foodor do a Vacation Bible School just for the orphanage children. 

School Opportunities

Schools in Jamaica have very limited resources and volunteers can help fill those gaps. Volunteers can also have a godly impact on students by sharing Christ with them through songs, testimonies and short devotionals at school assemblies. The Jamaican school year runs from September through to the end of June, so if your volunteers are interested in school ministry make sure you plan your trip dates accordingly.

Copyright Fairhaven Ministry Empowerment Center